-- Example 8.18, 8.27, 8.31 k = QQ R = k[A..F] M = genericSymmetricMatrix(R,3) P = minors(2,M) isPrime P -- it is the vanishing ideal of the image of a map A^3->A^6 (see p.121) m = ideal vars R isSubset(det M * m, P^2) -- in assumption that P^2 is primary, this implies that m^p \subset P^2 for some p and leads to a contradiction Q1 = P^2 : A -- the primary component of the minimal associated prime P Q1 == saturate(P^2,A) Q1 == P^2 + det M P^2 : det M -- m is an associated prime... Q2 = m^4 -- ... m^4 is the corresponding primary component P^2 == intersect(Q1,Q2) -- blackbox M2 routines decompose P^2 -- minimal associated primes ass P^2 dec = primaryDecomposition P^2 first dec == Q1 last dec != m^4 -- note: Q2 in _not_ uniquely determined