Bhanu Kumar Picture
Bhanu Kumar

Mission Design and Navigation
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA, 91109

Email: Bhanu.S.Kumar (at)

Curriculum Vitae (updated 21 Oct 2023)

I am an NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Mission Design and Navigation Section of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. I completed my Ph.D. in 2022 from the School of Mathematics at Georgia Tech, advised by Prof. Rafael de la Llave and supported by a NASA NSTRF fellowship. I also spent time during my Ph.D. as an NSTRF visiting technologist in MDNav at JPL, working with mentor Dr. Rodney Anderson. Prior to that, from 2014-2017 I was a co-op student in the Radio Science Systems Group at JPL. I hold an M.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering as well, also from Georgia Tech.

Research Interests

At a broad level, my interests lie in the application of tools and results from mathematical dynamical systems theory, both analytical and computational, to various problems in celestial mechanics and applied astrodynamics for space mission design. In brief, there are geometric structures, such as periodic orbits, invariant tori, and stable and unstable manifolds, which govern many of the important dynamical properties of multi-body celestial systems. I am interested in developing fast and accurate methods for computing these objects as well as for investigating the dynamics induced by them. I am also working on applications of these methods to current and relevant problems in astrodynamics, with a current focus on tour design in multi-moon systems using mean motion resonances.

Journal and Conference Papers