MATH 6307 Ordinary Differential Equations 1

Fall 2016

  MWF 10:05-10:55, Skiles 257

Professor Federico Bonetto

Office Hours: MWF 11-12, Skiles 133b.


The class text book is:

Nonlinear Differential Equation and Dynamical System
Ferdinand Verhulst
Springer, 2nd edition

I'll also use the lecture notes by prof. Jack Hale. The notes are linked below.
The notes are an update and extension of the book:

Ordinary Differential Equations.
Jack K. Hale


See the online syllabus.


There will be one midterm and one final. The date of the midterm will be announced shortly. The final will be, at least in part, project based. I will assign HW and but I will not collect them. The final grade will be based on midterms (40%) and final (60%).

First week

Second week

Third week

First Homework: from the textbook ex: 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 3.2, 3.5. Homework are optional. You can turn them in and I'll grade them.

Fourth week

Fifth week

First midterm will be on Monday October 17.

Sixth-Seventh Week.

Second Homework: from the textbook ex: 4.2, 4.5, 4.6, 4.8.

Last year midterm with solution set.

Eighth Week.
Nineth Week.
Solution set for the first midterm.

Ideas for Projects
  1. Elliptic orbits in Billiards: Article by V. Donnay
  2. Variational principle in Mechanics: Chapter 2.24
  3. Spin-orbit resonances: selection by dissipation: Draft by me, Gallavotti and Gentiule
  4. Anchor Escapement mechanism:Chapter 217-2.19
  5. More to come

Final exam due on December 16 by midnight. Please read it asap and let me know about any issue with the questions.
There are 8 questions worth from 20 to 30 points each. A total of 100 points obtained through completely solved questions will be considered a perfect score.
You should return it, possibly via email, by Friday 16 midnight. Any text arriving later will not be considered.
If you decided to develop a personal project, you can make an appointment to present it on Monday Tuesday or Wednesday. If you decide not to present it, you can email a report to me by Friday 16 midnight. Any report arriving later will not be considered.
Yuou should return (or present) at least one between a project and the take home final.