Legendrian Contact Homology in $P\times\R$
Joint work with Tobias Ekholm and Michael G. Sullivan,
Trans.~Amer.~Math.~Soc 359 (2007), 3301--3335.

A rigorous foundation for the contact homology of Legendrian submanifolds in a contact manifold of the form $P\times \R$ where $P$ is an exact symplectic manifold is established. The class of such contact manifolds include 1-jet spaces of smooth manifolds. As an application, contact homology is used to provide (smooth) isotopy invariants of submanifolds of $\R^n$ and, more generally, invariants of self transverse immersions into $\R^n$ up to restricted regular homotopies. When $n=3$, this application is the first step in extending and providing a contact geometric underpinning for the new knot invariants of Ng.

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