Workshop in Convexity and geometric aspects of Harmonic Analysis

December 9-13, 2019

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

This workshop will feature four three-hour lecture courses. Several hours a day are allocated for research discussions in groups, on the topics related to the lecture courses. The participants propose problems for discussion before and during the conference.

Researchers at early stages in their career, such as graduate students, postdocs, and tenure track professors, are particularly encouraged to participate.


Here is a pdf with Problems, groups and photos. Many thanks to Kateryna Tatarko and Sergii Myroshnichenko who have typed up the problems. The group lists (entered by Galyna) may not be completely precise.

Videos of the lecture courses

Abstracts of the lecture courses

Abstracts of the short talks by junior participants

Registered participants


More photos

All the lectures and discussions are held at Bill Moore Student Succes center at Georgia Tech campus, Atlanta, GA. The lectures are at the press rooms 8A/B (on the second floor), and discussions are at the same floor in the skyboxes.

Some information in regards to the problems for the discussions during the conference was already sent to all registered participants.

Limited time slots will be allocated for short talks by junior participants -- see abstracts and schedule. There will also be a poster session during the reception on Monday.

The participants who applied for funding early enough should have already received information in regards to their accommodation booking. In addition, those who applied for funding early enough, will get their travel partially or fully reimbursed: those traveling from the US or Canada will get up to $200 reimbursed, and those traveling from overseas will get up to $800. Additional reimbursement may be possible, but is not guaranteed.

Contact: Galyna Livshyts at

This workshop is supported by: