Tom Morley's 4580


Welcome to Mathematics 4580, Spring quarter 1999.

Linear Programming

Class is MWF 12 noon in Skiles 263 or Skiles 149

Welcome to Mathematics 2803, Spring quarter 1999. My office hours are MWF 10-12 in Skiles 263 or the Math Lounge -- Skiles 237.

New problem set #2. Due May 26.

In class quiz on Friday April 30

Suggested problems:

Older stuff:

The textbook is Vasek Chbatal, Linear Programming . We will start by covering chapters 1 through 10, and then see where we are, and what the class interests are.

Homework Set Number 1 -- Due April 19 The grade will be based on a series of Homework assigments, togather with an in class open book midterm , and group computer project(70%), and the final (30%), which will be open book and notes.

Help stamp out meaningless symbolic manipulation

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