Welcome to Mathematics 6580 - Hilbert Space

"Was ist das Hilbertraum?"

Statement attributed to David Hilbert

Tom Morley morley@math.gatech.edu

Office Skiles 263. Office hours TBA Drop by.

Book: Introduction to Hilbert Spaces with Applications, by Lokenath Debnath and Piotr Milusinski. Academic Press

Class: MWF 10:05-10:55 am in Skiles 108A

There will be 4 or 5 set of problems to be turned in. (Never use a preposition to end a sentence with!) 70%. Final Exam 30%. The final exam will be open book and notes. If people insist, we can have an in class test to replace one of the problem sets.

First Homework Set: This will be due????????
Third Homework set: Due Aug 4

Second homework set: Due July 23

First Homework Set:

This will be July 9 .. Note this is a change from the announcement in class.
Need to do an integral? Try this.
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To get a hold of me:

Phone: (404) 894-9233, (404) 894-2700, (404) 894-4409 (FAX)

email: morley@math.gatech.edu

Or morley@bmtc.mindspring.com

Y'all come back now, 'ya hear?