SPRING 2006 :  CS 1050D (Understanding & Constructing Proofs)  -- P. Tetali
                            Office hrs: MWF 2-3pm (Skiles 234)  ph.  894-9238

                           Teaching Assistant : Brooks Van Horn III (vanhorn@cc.gatech.edu) 
                                       office hrs at CoC Commons : Mon, Wed. 4:35-5:35 and Thurs. 1-2pm.

  * Click here for an outline
  * Click here for a brief handout on ``Writing Proofs"
     by Chris Heil, Prof. in School of Math, Ga Tech
 * Notes from a similar class at UC Berkeley
  ``Why do CS students need (discrete) Math?"
  Check out the special issue of Communications of the ACM (Sept. 2003, CACM)
* HW 1 (due in class on Friday, Jan. 20th, 2006):
              Section 0.1 :  Problems 4 (j), 5 (f, i, m, p), 6 (c, d, i), 7(h, n)  and 8
              Section 0.2 :  Problems 17, 23, 25
              Section 1.1 :  Problems  6, 10
* HW 2 pdf file of HW 2 (Due: Friday, Jan. 27th)
* HW 3 (No need to submit this hw; some will be done in class):
             Section 2.4 : Problems 4, 6, 10, 17
             Section 5.1 : Problems 6(a,b), 8(a), 9(a), 12, 15, 18, 27

* HW 4 (due in class on Monday, Feb. 20th, 2006):
              Section 3.1 :  Problems 10, 18(b,c), 25(a,c), 29
              Section 3.3 :  Problems 12(b), 19(a,c), 21, 30
              Section 4.2 :  Problems  12 (d,e,j), 17 (b,d), 20

***  QUIZ 1 happened in class on FEBRUARY 27th (Monday)

* HW 5 (due in class on Monday, Mar. 6th, 2006):
              Section 4.3 :  Problems 7, 28(b,c), 34(c,d)
              Section 4.4 :  Problems 7(a), 9(g,i), 14(c,d)
              Section 4.5 :  Problems  18(e,g), 21(d), 25(b)

***  TEST 2 will be in class on MARCH 8th (Wednesday)!!
***   REVIEW SESSION for Test 2 on March 6th (Skiles 270) : 6:10--7:10pm
***   Sample Test Questions HERE

* HOME WORK 6 (Due: Wednesday, March 29th) : see problems on recursion below:

1. Prove, using induction, that 2^(2n) -1 is divisible by 3 for all n>=1.
(Note that the recursive tiling procedure for the chessboard problem
mentioned in class gives an indirect proof of this fact.)
2. The factorial of a positive integer n is defined as the product of the
integers 1 through n.
Give a recursive definition of the factorial, and write a recursive function
factorial(n) that evaluates  the factorial of n for any positive integer n.
3. Section 5.2, problem 52 (Hint: Guess the answer, and then prove it by
4. Consider the variant of the Towers of Hanoi problem mentioned in class
(see Section 5.3, problem 24). Describe a recursive procedure to transfer a
stack of n disks from one peg to an adjacent one. Give a recurrence relation
for the number of transfers used by the procedure.
5. Given the arithmetic expression 3 + 9/(2 + 5 - 2 * 5), draw the
expression tree for it. If you evaluate it using the recursive function
eval(e), how many recursive calls to eval are made?
6. Extra Credit Problem: The positions of n ghosts and n ghostbusters are given
by 2n distinct points in the plane, such that no three of the points are
collinear. All the ghostbusters are equipped with a proton gun each. Give a
recursive procedure to match the n ghostbusters with the n ghosts such that
no two of the proton beams cross each other.

* HOME WORK 7 (Due: Friday, April 7th):
  Section 5.2: Problems 44, 49
  Section 5.3: Problems 9, 13, 16, 18, 22
  OPTIONAL: Section 5.2: 17, 42, 51,  Section 5.3: 11, 12, 15

********  REMINDER : TEST 3 (MONDAY, APRIL 10th)  *********
REVIEW SESSION :  FRIDAY, April 7th,  4:30 -- 5:30 Skiles 270.